All club lamb clip art images are free to use.
Below is a growing collection of free downloadable show lamb clip art, sheep graphics, and club lamb images for your personal use.
Feel free to use these club lamb graphics in logo designs, posters, buyer thank you cards, custom t-shirts and hats, or on your website and social media profiles.
They are your’s to use however you wish!

Copyright Free Sheep Images
When downloading sheep images, be sure to only download graphics that are copyright free. If in doubt, contact the website owner and ask. Images that are already part of a logo are copyrighted and should never be used. To the best of our knowledge all graphics below are copyright free.
Get Your Show Lamb Clip Art Added to Our Site
Are you an up and coming graphic artist? We’d love to feature your work! Contact us if you wish to have images that you have created added to the collection, along with a link to your website. We ask that all show lamb clip art be formatted as follows:
- include both left and right facing sheep
- be at least 600 pixels tall
- be on transparent backgrounds
How to Download Images
Do not link directly to these images. You can download the sheep clipart below by first clicking on the image to view at full size. Then, right click on the larger image and save image to downloads.
Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!
If you found this page by searching for show lamb clip art or club lamb clip art, we invite you to take a look around the rest of our site either by starting at the homepage at, or by visiting individual pages such as the Stud Rams we use, this year’s Lamb Crop, or Show Lambs Currently for Sale.
Thank you for visiting!