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Commander: Impact Hamps Fully Armed Stud Rams


Crossbred Stud Ram Sired by Johnson Club Lamb's Monkey Business at Beatty Club Lambs


Stage Monkey Stud Rams: Curtain Call x Monkey Up


Although we often add new ewes to the flock, with only rare exception do we deviate from the bloodlines that work consistently for us. It is with great pride that we list only the best performing stud rams below. Regardless of cost, if a ram doesn’t work, he doesn’t stay. We have been very fortunate that most have passed the test.

Our flock consists of a combination of bloodlines from some of the top breeders in the country. Over the past several years we have injected genetics from Impact Hampshires, MacLennen Club Lambs, Wheaton Hampshires, and Franklin Club Lambs, on top of continuing to use genetics from Ott Club Lambs and Ellerbrock Club Lambs.

Commander: Impact Hamps Fully Armed Son


Bred by Ott Club Lambs
Raised by Cornerstone Club Lambs

Sire: Fully Armed (Arms Race x Beefy)
Dam: Donor Ott Ewe (100 x Nike)

We saw an opportunity when Brad and Deb Ott offered Ott 66 out of their donor pen bred to their Impact buck Fully Armed.  She is a top daughter of 100 and carries tons of rib shape, huge top, enormous hip.

Commander is round in his rib but still elevated in his chest, big topped with tons of bone and shag.

This is the second shot of Arms Race (the Miller bred buck that worked so well for Impact Hamps) that we have incorporated into our flock. The first was our 2015 keeper ram (Lethal Weapon) purchased in-dam in 2014.

[ View Video of Commander ]

Safari Joe

Bred by D&L Show Lambs
Purchased from Spath Show Stock

Sire: Monkey Business (Dirty Banana x Bullet x Pistol)
Dam: Tewalt Ewe (Gutter Rat x Elephant)

We weren’t really looking for any new stud rams this year. Between AI’ing a few ewes this fall and what we already have in the ram pen, we felt confident moving forward. While looking through the Best of the Best Online Ram Sale, we happened to notice this ram. And boy, are we glad we did.

When Isaiah Spath told us this ram stamps his offspring with grooved tops, a wide pin set, explosive dimension through the lower leg, and shag to boot — we were sold.

Corey has been super impressed with the Monkey Business lambs he has judged. So we couldn’t be more excited about our upcoming 2019 lambs sired by Safari Joe.

Crossbred Ram Sired by Johnson Club Lamb's Monkey Business at Beatty Club Lambs
Stage Monkey Stud Ram: Curtain Call x Monkey Up

Stage Monkey

Bred by Triple J Club Lambs

Sire: Curtain Call (Centerfold (Burn son) x Swamp Donkey)
Dam: MacLennan Ewe (Monkey Up x MacLennan)

Stage Monkey’s grand dam 9088 by Swamp Donkey is also the dam of notable studs Opulence, Dirty 30, Integrity and Spice. Tie that into the Monkey/Bullett Line from Johnson and we are expecting great things from this ram!

Owned with Peach Grove Club Lambs.

View Video of Stage Monkey   |   View 2018 Lamb Crop Sired by Stage Monkey




Soldier Ram bred by Ott Club Lambs out of Powerball Stud Ram


Ellerbrock Club Lambs Eroc Ram


Impact Hampshires Fully Armed Ram Son



Bred by Ott Club Lambs

Sire: Powerball (Powercat x Maker)
Dam: Ott Ewe (100 Daughter)

Soldier was Ott’s keeper ram lamb in 2015 and probably the most consistent buck we have used in 15 years. His lambs were consistently moderate framed, round ribbed, big racked, square hipped and really complete. He added a lot bone and shag.

His daughters represent over a third of our flock. We are very excited to see the lambs out of these young ewes.

Sold to Mud Flats Farm / Toelke / Helms Family

Soldier Ram bred by Ott Club Lambs out of Powerball Stud Ram
Ellerbrock Club Lambs Eroc Ram


Bred & Owned by Ellerbrock Club Lambs

Sire: Eclipse (Authentic x Paradise)
Dam: Wheaton Ewe (Untouchable x Hancock)

Eroc needs no introduction. He has sired numerous nationally recognized bucks, numerous major show champions, and countless district and county show winners. He breeds very true to his pedigree, stamping every one of his offspring with the Authentic look and Untouchable power.

We feel very priviledged to have acquired so many of his daughters.

Fully Armed

Bred by Impact Hampshires
Owned by Ott Club Lambs

Sire: Arms Race (Maker x 964 (Masterpiece Son))
Dam: Beefy (Miller 540 Untouchable x Miller 507’s mother)

Fully Armed stamps his lambs with moderate frame, style and expression of muscle.

After seeing the success we had with the Arms Race son we purchased in-dam from Impact Hamps in 2014, we knew these ewes would add tremendous value to our flock.

Impact Hamps Fully Armed Ram Son


10 + 15 =

VA sheep breeders for over 30 years!
Located in Berryville, Virginia

Corey & Janet Childs

Brady Childs

info at clublambs.com