Mid-West Elite Sheep Sale Results
Very excited to introduce Ott 6148, the popular “Fully Armed” daughter and lead sale entry from Ott Club Lambs.
Very excited to introduce Ott 6148, the popular “Fully Armed” daughter and lead sale entry from Ott Club Lambs.
We are very excited to be adding three new ewes to our flock, one Eroc daughter and two Fully Armed daughters.
This spring we have been fortunate to add several Powerball and Eroc daughters to our ewe flock.
Congratulations Jordan and Brady! Both did very well at the Virginia State Fair in class, showmanship, and premier exhibitor.
Highlights of our lambs during the Market Lamb Show at the 2012 Virginia Junior Livestock Expo in Harrisonburg, VA.
Results from the Commercial Ewe Lamb Show at the Virginia Junior Livestock Expo in Harrisonburg, VA.