Market Lamb Jackpot Shows
Home / Lamb Jackpot Shows
The Clarke County Lamb & Goat Jackpot Show will be held on Saturday, June 30th, 2018. Entry forms will be posted in early May.
Countdown to 2018 Clarke County Market Lamb & Goat Show
Clarke County Market Lamb & Goat Show
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Clarke County Ruritan Fairgrounds
Berryville, Virginia
Weigh In Begins at 7:00 AM
Registration Information:
- $20 entry fee per head
- Online Entry Forms with Fees Postmarked by June 15, 2018
- Late Entries $25 per head postmarked by Friday, June 22, 2018
- Day of the Show Entries will be accepted $30 per head
General Information:
- A completed 4-H health history form is required for each exhibitor due day of the show
- Scrapie Tag and CVI Health Papers are required
- No bedding will be provided. Pens must be clean before leaving
- All out of state exhibitor will be required to provide proof of identify (birth certificate or photo ID)
Contact Information:
- Alan Young / 540-837-1102 /
- Corey Childs / 540-327-7919 /
- Claudia Lefeve / 540-955-5164 /
Peewee Lamb and Goat Showmanship classes will be held in conjunction with the Clarke Show.
Youth ages 8 years and under as of Sept 2018 are eligible to participate in this show. These youth will only be eligible for the showmanship classes and will not be eligible to participate in the confirmation show as it is a sanctioned 4-H event and youth under age 9 are not eligible. There is no entry fee for Pee Wee Showmanship however all animals must have valid certificate of veterinary inspection and youth must have a complete health form.
Please email to register.
Weigh-In (7:00-8:30 am)
Sheep Showmanship (10:00am)
Sheep Confirmation Classes (immediately following showmanship)
Break – during the break we will have PeeWee Sheep Showmanship followed by the PeeWee Goat Showmanship
Goat Showmanship
Goat Confirmation Classes (immediately following showmanship)

2017 Champion Prospect Lamb

2017 Reserve Prospect Lamb

2017 Grand Champion Lamb

2017 Reserve Grand Champion Lamb

2017 Grand Champion Goat
Proud supporter and sponsor of the Virginia Showmasters Circuit.
2018 Shows in the Circuit
I-81 Showdown
VA Lamb & Goat Symposium
Clarke County Jackpot Show
Showdown in the Sand
Showdown in the Sand II
New River Valley Fair & Jackpot
Augusta County Fair & Jackpot
August 4, 2018 Expoland | Fishersville, VA Eric Stogdale 540-569-7176
The Rock Jackpot
September 8, 2018 Virginia Horse Center | Lexington, VA Marnie Caldwell 540-460-4707
Washington Co. Fair & Jackpot
September 15, 2018 Washington Co. Fairgrounds | Abingdon, VA Natalie Blevins 276-356-3553
Virginia State Fair
VA sheep breeders for over 30 years!
Located in Berryville, Virginia
Corey & Janet Childs
Brady Childs
info at